Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The hard part about leaving early is avoiding the family members of patients you've just put to sleep


SWILUA said...

sleep sleep, not like the euphemistic "put to sleep," right? cuz that changes the whole post.

bnug said...

ha ha, I work at hospital not a vet's office

our website said...

I am a 15 year old girl. I go to bed at about 10:30 every night but I usually can't sleep until at least 11:30 often later. I have tried going to bed earlier but that changes nothing, I fall asleep at the same time as before. I get up for school at about 7am each day. I eat breakfast every day but nothing helps. I just can't concentrate in class because I'm to sleepy and I feel like I have brain fog. Any ideas to help? It's really hindering up performance in class.